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Philosophy Statement 

"Under our values of Ako, Tuakiritanga and Whakamana tamariki and whānau are nurtured and strengthened so they feel safe and enabled. We understand and embrace the knowledge that identity is the cornerstones of growing socially and emotionally successful ākonga. 


"Me whakapūawai te ihi me te mana o ngā tamariki; Hei ngā Rangatira mō āpōpō"

"Let us grow our tamariki and all their special gifts. Unleash superheroes; our leaders of tomorrow." 

We see our mission being implemented throughout our Puna, whānau and way of life  through our 3 values; 

  • Tuakiritanga (Identity)

  • Whakamana (Empowerment)

  • Ako (Learning) 


This value is about supporting each tamiti to foster their own strong sense of identity, unique gifts and strengths and be confident with their own individual place in the world.  


The Puna will implement Tuakiritanga by the natural use of Te Reo and tikanga Māori daily, provide a welcoming environment that encourages the cultures and identities of all tamariki. Facilitate learning about whakapapa, build relationships within our community and foster respect and understanding for Māoritanga. . ​


This value is about giving children the tools and skills they need to succeed and feel confident in their abilities.


The Puna will implement whakamana by: giving children opportunities to make their own choices and decisions, to take risks, and to problem - solve independently. As well as providing resources and support for parents and whānau to be involved in their child's learning. 


This value is about creating a cluture of learning, where everyone is both a teacher and a learner. Tuakana, teina 


The Puna will implement ako by;creating a collaborative and supportive environment where tamariki & whānau can learn from each other, from their teachers and from their environment. 

Te Puna Reo o Te Ahi Kaikōura a Tama ki te Rangi 

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